MTN, Nigeria, Guardian Suggests Share
The guardian in its editorial today suggests Nigerian Communications Commission NCC buys share with the 5.2 trillion dollars fine from the south African base cooperate organization MTN.
According to the opionated news story issued today 17th of November 2015, the N1.04 trillion ($5.2 billion) fine imposed on MTN (Nigeria) by the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), and which the company was supposed to have paid yesterday would seem excessive.
"The key facts are that MTN and other telecommunications operators were ordered by the NCC to deactivate subscribers with unregistered or incomplete SIM cards, The deadline issued to complete this was August 11. The erring company failed to meet this. It needs to be stated that the exercise to register all mobile lines has been on for more than a year and, no one would reasonably argue that there was not enough time to do so".
The deactivation of unregistered lines was even more urgent because criminals – kidnappers, terrorists, armed robbers – used these lines to communicate. So it was a matter of both public safety and interest, and also of national security that MTN and other operators complied with the NCC directive.
Therefore, before a collapse in the economy and uproar among Nigerians on the illegal act by the company MTN, the organization GUARDIAN Suggests "for the reason that it has done so well in Nigeria, as many Nigerians as possible should benefit from MTN’s high profitability. To this end, government should purchase shares with the fine when paid and sell same to Nigerians at the Nigerian Stock Exchange".